Sunday, September 16, 2012


I have had stashed in my closet a rug I got on sale at the beginning of the summer, rolled up and tied.  It was too heavy for me to look at or determine whether I'd guessed the wrong size.  Today Oonie and Leo came over to help me put it down, and here it is, fitting perfectly just where I'd hoped it would go, and it is a warm, rich golden orange color from one side, and a light, almost straw color from another side.  I am hoping that the cold winds won't blow and make it necessary for me to curl up in this room with the fire in the fireplace in the next room so that I can be toasty.  Shadow is already testing the turf to see if it is soft and luscious, but I fear that what he is really checking is where he is going to pee first.  Sigh.

This morning on my way to church I found a fuzzy-wuzzy caterpillar on my steps.  He was small and not really very burly or furry; I'm thinking that is a predictor for a mild winter.  A few big snows for cross-country skiing would be delicious, but none of that lingering slush and dirty snow piled up in the city for weeks at a time.  I feel blessed and lucky to have an escape in Costa Rica where I gather the rain has been gentle thus far and the whales are breaching down off Uvita.  Part of me wishes I were there and could see them, but maybe they will move up the coast for Christmas.  I can hope.

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