Saturday, September 8, 2012

My sister says...

I should create a blog because I think I clutter her email with notes about my encounters with birds or bugs or flowers, the details of which profoundly move me, but don't seem to be too significant in the high-stress world of making it in the U..S.  When writing a blog, though, I hate relying on photographs to convey the world that seeps into my head and swirls around in my imagination, but one must.  And so on this old computer I stumbled upon a photo of this little walkway that I took from a boat on the Mekong River to a little village that I visited in Viet Nam.  I love the picture not just for the tentative state of the bridge and its uneven, jagged planks, but also because of the neat shadow line at a diagonal across the planks.  I remember going into this little town and watching the children play in the dirt.  I remember, too, children at work in a classroom that I peered into through a window.

Isn't it powerful how one shaky image as this one can conjure up such memories and musings?  Who would bother with a photo like this?  The lovely part is that it now will sit somewhere in cyber-space and someone else just might find it and read about it or maybe be inspired to paint something as a result of having seen it. Maybe, just maybe, my sister will discover it and wonder what mundane event I am documenting now, and maybe she will be moved to look, to mull or to imagine for herself.

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