Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Turn your computer over on its side...

These images come after a longish run when Tracy and I were singing and dancing as we painted.  BOTH paintings should be standing upright, so you will need to turn your computer over, tilting it on its right side to properly see the paintings.  Tracy, as always, has the simple elegance of line, color and shape that smack of real artistry while mine has the complex frenzy of too much of everything.   I wanted to sing of autumn and the brilliance of leaves and sky and trees and wind and clouds; instead I have sticks and fabric and matte medium and finger painting.  We will work more on Thursday, and I do like the bottom swirls of energy on mine but know it needs focus instead of flurry.

The elegance of Tracy's shape here and the way the light drifts down from the darkness on the top (now the left side) is so watery and lovely that it makes me swim and reminds me of sitting underwater in my parents' pool.  I remember looking at the way the light shimmied through the top of the water, moving through the molecules and making everything sparkle and dance.  I love Tracy's whale-like shape on its side, but I do think it needs perpendicularity for its full effect.

Who knows where these will go by Thursday when we meet at 7:30 A.M. for more.  When we came back from running today, we shared stories of when mentors or teachers had given us negative critiques on our dancing, and I wonder if we felt freed in some ways to "speak" more fluidly with our paints.  I wish I knew how I could make these images move one rotation to the right....


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